Thursday, October 14, 2010

Llamas! and Goats! and Ducks! OH MY!

     "Many people who move to the country are smitten by an urge to surround themselves with a menagerie of farm animals,"  explains Tom Springer in his book, Looking for Hickories: the Forgotten Wilderness of the Rural Midwest.  He goes on to clarify that he is not of this 'camp'.  My parents were.  We had a laundry list of animals including; cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, guinea hens, goats, sheep, llamas, and horse for a short while.  Most of whom were nothing more than pets.  We only tried eating one once, it was a rather ornery rooster, and I feel it necessary to add that he turned out to be an equally unpleasant meal (a little chewy for my liking).
     Growing up in such a setting was a very educational experience.  I watched chicks mature into chickens, my three pygmy kids became full blown pygmy goats (they're only about knee high), lambs puff up into sheep, and as I aided all of these animals to maturity they aided me.  They taught me responsibility, time management and helped me to learn to deal with adverstity. I have had the pleasure of being acquaintances with many people my age who are not even sure how to take care of themselves let alone being responsible for the life of another living being.  I think it is wise for all children to be held responsible for the life of an animal if at all possible, I suppose a plant would be an okay substitute.  It helps develop character and skills that will be maintained into adulthood.

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