Friday, October 15, 2010

Control Freak

     Man versus nature, a common theme in our world today.  Humans are always moving nature out of the way so they can move in.  Man's domination of nature is in no way permanent, nature is always slowly making its comeback.  In Holland Michigan there was a deteriorating hunk of steel, rusted, and extensively graffitied  high atop a dune.  This hunk of steel was once a proud symbol of humanities domination over this place in nature.  It began as a water tower, tall and strong.  When man's need for this structure dissipated so did the up keep.  In no time nature began to take its toll.  One small step at a time, nature brought this structure to its knees leaving it as a crumpled mass of steel. 
     It may seem at times that humans are in control of nature, the truth is that the minute we look away nature proves that it is in fact the one in power.  Instead of fighting off nature humanity would be better off trying to live harmoniously with nature.  Humanities relationship with earth could be improved by using the earth's natural resources more responsible, using green building practices,  and eating locally grown foods.  These are all small steps that could be taken to help improve our relationship with the earth that supports all life.  


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