Saturday, September 25, 2010

Beginning to Notice

     Nature is something that is constantly growing and changing, even if we as humans are not paying attention to it.  I know I am surely guilty of being too self absorbed from time to time to take not of the birds in the trees, the wildflowers in an empty field, and other poetic things of that notion.  So in effect I am going to attempt enrich my awareness of my natural surroundings.  John Burrough's assures his readers, in his essay, "The Art of Seeing Things",  that "one's powers of observation may be cultivated as well as anything else."  This is promising news for me.
     Nature is easy to be enthralled by in a place like Yellowstone National Park or the Grand Canyon, but the everyday nature around me simply becomes the background to my life more often than not.   Bill Bryson put it best in his novel, A Walk in the Woods, when he said "In America, alas, beauty has become something you drive to , and nature... you deify it, treat it as something holy and remote, a thing apart."  I want to develop an appreciation for the nature that is within all things both near and far.  Since beginning this course I have begun to notice more and more of the small things around me everyday.  For example the clouds have been particularly lush and fluffy the past few days.  I am happy to have begun seeing again what has always been there.  

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